Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Gemnogene Stalking

Since living in Africa Jason has become quite the bird identifier. Today we saw a huge bird circling around the pine forest, well actually we first heard the chickens in a huge uproar, then we spotted it. Jason ran to get his binoculars as I ran for the camera then we went off stalking it for a good look. As I type this story I realize just how limited our entertainment is here.  Turns out, it was a gymnogene bird. It took a lot of creeping to finally get a picture of it, and even then it was from really far away so the pictures are really blurry. But, without furthur ado, here it is...
 They have a great hair-do! We love getting to see animals we wouldn't get to see at home in States. It always feels so adventurous. : )
Happy Wednesday from us and Mr. Gemnognene!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Davis Newsletter

Here is our newest newsletter. It has a time line of events from our first year then our goals for our second year in Mumena. Just click on each page then use the magnifying glass to zoom in and read. Or, if you would like to be on our email list just comment and let us know. : )

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Village Music

Yesterday Jason and I went to Konkwa village and while we were there we visited this very talented blind gentleman. Jeremy and Whitney are good friends with his family so I had heard about how inspiring he is before but getting to see him in action...playing hymns on his hand crafted instrument while softly singing was such a sweet experience. I wish I could have videoed him and shared that but unfortunately it would have taken a really really long time with the speed of our internet 
to upload a video plus I am not too handy with video 
recording : ). Instead here are few pictures....
Thought this might be encouraging for some to see today!

"This is the work of the Eternal One, 
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day the Eternal God has made;
let us celebrate and be happy today."
Psalm 118:23-24

Happy Sunday!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


We have a huge avocado tree in our backyard the produces enough fruit to feed many families. At night Jason and I often wake up to loud thuds that come from the sometimes 1 lb avocados falling on the ground. One of my favorite parts about having the tree is little ones who often come to the door and politely ask if they can take some home. They load them up in their shirts and take off running with them, usually dropping a few along the way then running back to pick them up. It is about the cutest thing you could ever see. Today we had two groups of little ones coming to collect the green treats. Jason climbed up in the tree and knocked them down for them to catch and they were trilled! Just thought I would make a quick post to give a visual of the excitement something as simple as an avocado can cause!